
Heroes and Villains, and the foolish little-boy-in-me who follows them too!

[I’ve been felled by a silly little Flu the past week and I do promise to check-up on all my talented blogger friends and their artistic endeavours hopefully by tomorrow.  In the meantime, since the annual epic quest to retrieve that most famous of silver chalices looms near; and since the boy in me still demands his presence to be foolishly felt during such a time; and my Black & Gold came oh so very very close to drinking from Lord Stanley’s famously shining cup last year, I thought I’d break away from all my usual silly dialecticalness for a brief moment and instead embed a few videos.


The first was CBC’s last-year opening playoff montage accompanied by the sounds of one very excellent rock band.  I must say, there’s really nothing quite like gallant heroes jousting against dastardly puck-stealing villains, or swashbuckling swordsmen doing battle with net-hoarding armored ogres! Valhalla anyone?  The second one PLEASE start it at the 4:20 mark.  There’s a ridiculous reason for this(The whole video is terrific, and the first part is good, so if you feel inclined certainly do watch).  Ridiculous reasons can be motives you know.  😉  Perhaps my delightful readers, known or unbeknownst to this video’s creator, there’s something else hidden below it’s immediate surface besides greedy owners and pampered players, or ridiculous ideologies, or just a mere celebration of a sport…perhaps, just perhaps, there’s something of a deeper nature…or perhaps I’m just being a silly boy  ;).